My Book
I have finally written the book that I was put here for. It is called Happy Anyway and is intended to help young people understand how their mind works so they can help themselves feel better.
My Why
When I was a teenager I struggled with awful anxiety and chronic self-doubt. I knew something was wrong and I wanted to know how to feel better. So I started studying psychology, and never really stopped.
My Breakthrough
I got my second degree, a Masters in Coaching Psychology. This was much more helpful. I was then able to coach people, most of whom suffered with secret anxiety and self-doubt. It seemed that the things I struggled with were almost universal, even amongst people who were very successful in life.
In my ongoing quest I came across Buddhist Psychology and this was my breakthrough. In it the intricacies of the mind are laid bare with the purpose of helping you feel better so you can do more good in the world. Clear and detailed practices and insights light the path to greater awareness. My mind was blown.
Finally I was in a place in my life where I could bring all this knowledge together, from East and West, in the service of helping people. I cherry-picked the insights that are helpful and left out the jargon. I wrote for the young person that I was and for young people everywhere so that they can learn what I know now, and don’t have to suffer like I did.
Next Steps…
If you want to see for yourself how to manage your anxiety and be happy anyway, follow the link to my Amazon page and find out more …